Thursday, July 30, 2020
Cooliris Beam it
Cooliris Beam it INTRODUCTIONMartin: Hi, today we are in Palo Alto with Cooliris and Soujanya. Who are you, Soujanya? And what do you do?Soujanya: Well, firstly, welcome to you and Anastasia, really happy to have you here at Cooliris. Who am I? Its a pretty interesting question. I happen to represent a really, really cool team here at Cooliris. As you know, five of them are from Germany, and anothers are from different parts of the world. Cooliris is something that Austin Shoemaker and I started six years ago with couple of other co-founders, in fact Josh and Mayank. And we started with a very simple thesis that you have so much content on the web, how do you really discover and navigate through it. And it has had a series of evolutions during the last six-seven years, where we evolved from that to another product called piglens to then Cooliris for the desktop. And probably one of the biggest shifts that happened in the landscape and in the ecosystem is where mobile ecosystem with Android and iOS st arted to develop so rapidly, so we actually had to shift significantly to mobile. So, the journey of Cooliris for the last six years has been amazing. My original roots come from India, I was born back in Bombay, Im a chemical engineer in my earlier life, before I went to University of Chicago for my MBA, and since then weve done a couple of startups to be at Cooliris.Martin: Oh, okay. So, you have been doing some entrepreneurial stuff before you started this company?Soujanya: That is correct, yes. Cooliris is now currently my third startup. Its my first one where Im the CEO and its been exciting. Were on the best team and its been an honor for me.Martin: And how did your MBA helped you to become successful entrepreneur?Soujanya: Its a good question because I grew up in an entrepreneurial environment, both my father and mother started colorings company in India, which has now grown to become the largest in Asia. So, inherently, I had the, just by virtual of being at home, kind of he aring and listening to challenges and excitement and all that package of entrepreneurship. But, MBA really, really helped me, again, this was more the Chicago training, to have the level of sort of framework and confidence to say anything that youre going to be doing, make a worldwide impact, and how do you really scale, and how do you think about business model right from beginning, rather than saying Ill worry about that later on. I think that has been the biggest contribution from the business school.Martin: Are there any specific courses or classes that you can recommend people taking?Soujanya: Yes. So, since I have been, this was now about 15 years ago, entrepreneurship was actually one of the curriculums that started over there. They was Polsky center of entrepreneurship, and they had a program called NVC, which was the new venture challenge, and we participated in that. And since then, and I had been able to stay in close touch with the school, theyve done a really, really fa ntastic job of creating more of an entrepreneurship training rather than an entrepreneurship class. And I highly, highly recommend that to, whether it is University of Chicago, or at Stanford you have across the street, whatever it is, earlier you start in that training, I think the better it is.Martin: Ok, great.BUSINESS MODELMartin: Soujanya, lets talk about the business model of Cooliris. Currently you have two products. Can you please describe them shortly and how they interrelate?Soujanya: So, the two particular applications that are in the market today. One is called Cooliris, just like the name of the company, and second one is called BeamIt, which is much more recent addition. The way we look at this is, theres a very interesting phenomenon that is happening out in the market. And that the word photos, and the definition of photos, and what it really means to you has really changed significantly because everybody now has the phone and the cameras, everything that we know. Bu t there are three main trends that are important to notice.One is the quality of the capture that happens is actually increasing significantly.The number of devices that you use to capture, whether its a GoPro, whether its a camera or the phone, those are all going up.And then on the consumption side, when youre looking at it, when if you look at the recent iPhone 6 and 6 plus and all, you have this beautiful, pretty good size screens.So, when youre looking at this, a media experience is something that the consumer comes to expect and says I want this to be a great experience. We felt that its actually being underserved in the market. So we have approached it from dual sort of lenses, if you will. One lens is the media lens, and thats what Cooliris does. It aggregates for you without coping it, it does links all your sources, so all your photos in one place becomes a very simple proposition for the consumer. The second one is, its under the more of a messaging container, because as people are sharing these photos, theyre all being shared, its not like oh, now I have a messaging app which is separate from my media sharing app, which is today what existed before BeamIt came, and we said why are the messaging apps so poor in their experience of media and yet you have good media sharing experiences who are really poor in communications? Why not make it a unified experience with a consumer? So, under the media experience, we look at it, whether youre looking at it from the media side or from messaging side, so messaging meets media or media meets messaging, is our thesis and proposition.Business model is an interesting part that you just referred to. Business model comes at it from multiple levels, its a freemium business model. Its, we look at any logs in the market, we look at a WhatsApp, we look at an Evernote, apps that are being very successful at. But in the app economy, theyre not games, but consumer applications, how do you now generate enough of a scale, a nd yet monetize that scale. And freemium seems to be the right way of going about it, so we have what in the market today is free, you would perhaps love to demo you, Hamon, whos my colleague, who leads all the BD (business development), he can demo you all the premium features that weve thought about. One potential premium feature is actually offline support. And offline is a great value proposition, which is completely non-existent in the market, I would say, in the case of messaging apps where even if youre offline, you should be able to use that, it saves a lot of sort of data plan and data usage for the consumer, they can make the ROI calculation. So potentially, this is not finalized yet, but could be for 99 cents per year, you can now have offline support. And when the consumer says Im going to save 25-30 dollars, I just have to pay a dollar, its a great deal. And we have the other bucket of a set of 10 features, 10 premium features which is a collection, more like a basket o f utility and various consumers, but that would probably be priced around $4 per month, subscription plan.Martin: And Cooliris is for the aggregation of photos and BeamIt is for the sharing photos. Currently, both of these applications are separate. What is the reason behind that and why shouldnt it be totally integrated into one product?Soujanya: Its a really good question. I think, if you would have asked us this question to me 2-3 years ago, I wouldve said absolutely, it should be one product. What we are finding over and over again, and this is also, youll find it with other applications, is the thing that consumers really accept in the market and adopt is this singular intent, which is, if Im thinking messaging, Im going to go to this app, if Im thinking media, Im going to go to this app. So, its really one experience, but depending on what you are trying to do, so we have concept of t minus 3, which is 3 seconds before you use the app, what were you thinking and that thought p rocess. From that point to actually invoking the application, has to be so efficient, youre from Germany, so efficiency, you know what I mean, it has to be so frictionless, that the consumer can get to it fast. If you make it into one app, all of these things and features and capabilities, sometimes youll say wait a second, what do I do. If you make the consumer think, you lose the consumer. So, idea was to keep it, be able to talk to each other very seamlessly, so I can aggregate them in one area, if I want to take that and then use it for my conversations, we havent yet launched it, but that will come down the road, I should be able to do that, but if I just want to use it for my messaging, I just want to send Hamon something, or Sebastian, or Austin something, I should be able to do that on the fly.Martin: Understood. Let us take a step back and talk a little bit about mobile marketing. What advice can you give entrepreneurs of frameworks, so they can decide for themselves how to do mobile marketing for their mobile application?Soujanya: Its a super important question. I think the, in the app economy, if you really think about it, I think the, I do find a lot of startups and, weve done that too, I wouldnt say that not, is lets build the app. Building the application is actually the easy part. I mean, relatively speaking. Its marketing the application is where the challenges lay. There are not that many sort of secret sources out there, theres very clear understanding of: what are you building; what audience are you trying to build towards; is your differentiation unique enough, not just is it unique, but is it significantly more unique than a substitute thats out there; are you having clear understanding of your substitute; how is it that youre going to create a positive network effect from the application.Ill give you one great example of what we did at BeamIt. Most messaging applications require a two parties who are going back and forth to have the appli cation. We took away that constraint. We said, if I want to communicate with you, I should be able to do that, and you do not need the application installed. And that actually creates a very low friction and barrier for me to message to you. If you do join, then the network becomes stronger, so the positive network effect comes in. So, what Im trying to get to really tangibly answer your question here is, from the consumers perspective, the application, the business that is looking at that say is there a positive network effect thats going to happen, so that product is going to grow on its own. Because anything else that youre going to, that you can do, if the product is featured, or you have press around the product, or theres some temporary marketing that you did an event, or some sponsorship, its going to give you a blip, and hopefully its a new baseline, but the growth comes from the product propagating itself, which comes from the usage of the product.CORPORATE STRATEGYMartin: Lets talk about the corporate strategy of Cooliris. What is the product strategy that you are going forward? Because currently you have these two type of products, and you have this freemium model, and can you elaborate on this kind of matrix and how it will evolve over time?Soujanya: The high level strategy for us is to have a good, solid, engaged user base. People will talk about what are your active users and all, and we actually look at what are your engaged users. Are they really using the product or not? So, by having both of these applications, today we are iOS only, which is a, Ill be first to admit it, its actually partly limitation because when Im messaging somebody, they better be, I dont even know, what my cousins that Im going to send to, or my colleagues that Im going to send to, whether they are iOS or not.So we have the upcoming version of that, which is not launched yet, but its in the friends and family beta, and my other colleagues, Howard and I dont know, have do ne a really great job of looking at it from the consumers perspective. So, if you dont have the application, you receive an email, from the email you click on the link, youre on the landing page. How to make that on boarding very, very seamless is where the application served its value.The second big value it serves is you have a lot of your high resolution media, whether youre uploading those photos or youre trying to download those photos, typically happens from the desktop or your laptop, or from the web, so youve solved for that. And of course you have the Android version which is significant portion of the market, which Austin, my co-founder, is leading the initiative on that.So, the strategy is to have an ecosystem of Android, iOS and web, build it together, drive the synergy, increase the scale, simultaneously launch the premium features and grow the business. Partnerships becomes very important complement of the organic growth. This is something that Hamon here, who does tha t, he traveled around the world, China, Korea. Weve done amazing partnerships throughout the world, where you work with companies, but are their OEM companies, or Telcos, or mobile internet companies, and see how they can benefit and we can benefit in terms of promoting our application. So, I dont know if that helped explain.Martin: Totally. And can you a little bit elaborate on this type of partnerships, how you approach those companies and what is really the benefit for you and for the counterpart?Soujanya: The quality of the app and the service has to be amazing enough for any partner to take you seriously. And I think we were luckily able to accomplish that. The way it typically works is each of the partner, depending on the segment they come from, OEMs look at it little bit differently, device companies, carriers look at it a little bit differently and then mobile internet companies. So I wouldnt say theres a one magic formula that fits everybody, of course its also not the cas e where for every company we have a different deal. At high level I would say we benefit because they will take our application and promote it to their users, they benefit because we will typically add something that makes it really cool and unique for them, so maybe its a feature or its a way to save couple of these features if youre prepaying for them and now they could free for your user base for X amount of time. And, in the case of some other partners, in the case of Cooliris, for instance, we were able to be the first company to issue APIs to any company around the world, not just US or Chinese company, or big or small company. And they did it because we were able to showcase the best experience for their cloud storage inside our application, so they benefited from that. Sometimes these companies will say, Can you promote our service, the cloud to the service and market aside from their core markets? And of course, were willing to do that, in the exchange for them promoting ou r app to their user base. So, its always a mutually beneficial relationship. I think finding that common ground sometimes takes X amount of time, but thats exactly what the team does and makes it happen.Martin: Ok, great.MARKET DEVELOPMENTMartin: From my understanding, Cooliris is somehow in this photo and sharing market. Can you tell us a little bit more about this market and the trends that are currently happening in there?Soujanya: Its a good question, because I think photos and sharing, there was a period in time, I think its slowed down now, but like every week there are 10 startups in the photo sharing or photo something. It has gotten a little bit better because people and companies have realized as to there are the newer trends that are coming here. The idea is, photos is not just what we thought of as photos. Today, its become much more of a medium of communication, even if youre going to something like Snapchat. Its a good way to communicate, its affirmable so of course it goes away, because it solves for this particular use cases.On the other side are the segments, so talking about market segments, we have designed BeamIt as a product thinking about families and close friends. Its really been designed ground up for their needs. And thats not what Snapchat does, Snapchat is made for your friends to follow fun stuff, the dessert, funny faces, and all that kind of cool stuff. But when youre looking at trying to preserve that in high resolution, the babies, youre starting with your babys first step, maybe just a goofy face that the baby is making in a restaurant, but you want to preserve that for the longest time, youre looking in full resolution, you will share it with people that you care about. So, photos and sharing have now become almost synonymous. Yet, when youre looking at it, thats why we have these two lenses, photos is the Cooliris lens and sharing is the BeamIt lens. Its really under the same phenomenon, as far as companies going at it and a pproaching at it that thereve been various theses, like you can look at it as company says I think this is whats needed. Some companies are saying like I dont even think a photo is needed, even the keyboard is not needed. Im just going to say, I have another friend actually, he has a company, they did an app called Hearts app. And you press it and then the other person receives the heartbeat. Really cool. Nothing more, its similar to messaging, but there is no keyboard that even comes up. So, many, many companies, I think attacking this thing from a different angles, you also have the big companies, some really, really great companies, actually approaching this from more different style than I do, you have startups, so its a very fun ecosystem, is what I would say.Martin: Ok, great.ADVICE TO ENTREPRENEURS In Palo Alto, we meet co-founder and CEO of Cooliris (recently acquired by Yahoo!) and Beam it, Soujanya Bhumkar. Soujanya talks about his story how he came up with the ideas for Cooliris and Beam it, how the current business models work, as well as he provides some advice for young entrepreneurs.The interview is from October 2014 (before Cooliris was officialy acquired by Yahoo!).The transcription of the interview is provided below.INTRODUCTIONMartin: Hi, today we are in Palo Alto with Cooliris and Soujanya. Who are you, Soujanya? And what do you do?Soujanya: Well, firstly, welcome to you and Anastasia, really happy to have you here at Cooliris. Who am I? Its a pretty interesting question. I happen to represent a really, really cool team here at Cooliris. As you know, five of them are from Germany, and anothers are from different parts of the world. Cooliris is something that Austin Shoemaker and I started six years ago with couple of other co-founders, in fact Josh and Mayank. And we started with a very simple thesis that you have so much content on the web, how do you really discover and navigate through it. And it has had a series of evolutions during the last six-seven years, where we evolved from that to another product called piglens to then Cooliris for the desktop. And probably one of the biggest shifts that happened in the landscape and in the ecosystem is where mobile ecosystem with Android and iOS started to develop so rapidly, so we actually had to shift significantly to mobile. So, the journey of Cooliris for the last six years has been amazing. My original roots come from India, I was born back in Bombay, Im a chemical engineer in my earlier life, before I went to University of Chicago for my MBA, and since then weve done a couple of startups to be at Cooliris.Martin: Oh, okay. So, you have been doing some entrepreneurial stuff before you started this company?Soujanya: That is correct, yes. Cooliris is now currently my third startup. Its my first one where Im the CEO and its been exciting. Were on the best team and its been an honor for me.Martin: And how did your MBA helped you to become successful entrepreneur?Soujanya: Its a good question because I grew up in an entrepreneurial environment, both my father and mother started colorings company in India, which has now grown to become the largest in Asia. So, inherently, I had the, just by virtual of being at home, kind of hearing and listening to challenges and excitement and all that package of entrepreneurship. But, MBA really, really helped me, again, this was more the Chicago training, to have the level of sort of framework and confidence to say anything that youre going to be doing, make a worldwide impact, and how do you really scale, and how do you think about business model right from beginning, rather than saying Ill worry about that later on. I think that has been the biggest contribution from the business school.Martin: Are there any specific courses or classes t hat you can recommend people taking?Soujanya: Yes. So, since I have been, this was now about 15 years ago, entrepreneurship was actually one of the curriculums that started over there. They was Polsky center of entrepreneurship, and they had a program called NVC, which was the new venture challenge, and we participated in that. And since then, and I had been able to stay in close touch with the school, theyve done a really, really fantastic job of creating more of an entrepreneurship training rather than an entrepreneurship class. And I highly, highly recommend that to, whether it is University of Chicago, or at Stanford you have across the street, whatever it is, earlier you start in that training, I think the better it is.Martin: Ok, great.BUSINESS MODELMartin: Soujanya, lets talk about the business model of Cooliris. Currently you have two products. Can you please describe them shortly and how they interrelate?Soujanya: So, the two particular applications that are in the market t oday. One is called Cooliris, just like the name of the company, and second one is called BeamIt, which is much more recent addition. The way we look at this is, theres a very interesting phenomenon that is happening out in the market. And that the word photos, and the definition of photos, and what it really means to you has really changed significantly because everybody now has the phone and the cameras, everything that we know. But there are three main trends that are important to notice.One is the quality of the capture that happens is actually increasing significantly.The number of devices that you use to capture, whether its a GoPro, whether its a camera or the phone, those are all going up.And then on the consumption side, when youre looking at it, when if you look at the recent iPhone 6 and 6 plus and all, you have this beautiful, pretty good size screens.So, when youre looking at this, a media experience is something that the consumer comes to expect and says I want this to be a great experience. We felt that its actually being underserved in the market. So we have approached it from dual sort of lenses, if you will. One lens is the media lens, and thats what Cooliris does. It aggregates for you without coping it, it does links all your sources, so all your photos in one place becomes a very simple proposition for the consumer. The second one is, its under the more of a messaging container, because as people are sharing these photos, theyre all being shared, its not like oh, now I have a messaging app which is separate from my media sharing app, which is today what existed before BeamIt came, and we said why are the messaging apps so poor in their experience of media and yet you have good media sharing experiences who are really poor in communications? Why not make it a unified experience with a consumer? So, under the media experience, we look at it, whether youre looking at it from the media side or from messaging side, so messaging meets media or m edia meets messaging, is our thesis and proposition.Business model is an interesting part that you just referred to. Business model comes at it from multiple levels, its a freemium business model. Its, we look at any logs in the market, we look at a WhatsApp, we look at an Evernote, apps that are being very successful at. But in the app economy, theyre not games, but consumer applications, how do you now generate enough of a scale, and yet monetize that scale. And freemium seems to be the right way of going about it, so we have what in the market today is free, you would perhaps love to demo you, Hamon, whos my colleague, who leads all the BD (business development), he can demo you all the premium features that weve thought about. One potential premium feature is actually offline support. And offline is a great value proposition, which is completely non-existent in the market, I would say, in the case of messaging apps where even if youre offline, you should be able to use that, it saves a lot of sort of data plan and data usage for the consumer, they can make the ROI calculation. So potentially, this is not finalized yet, but could be for 99 cents per year, you can now have offline support. And when the consumer says Im going to save 25-30 dollars, I just have to pay a dollar, its a great deal. And we have the other bucket of a set of 10 features, 10 premium features which is a collection, more like a basket of utility and various consumers, but that would probably be priced around $4 per month, subscription plan.Martin: And Cooliris is for the aggregation of photos and BeamIt is for the sharing photos. Currently, both of these applications are separate. What is the reason behind that and why shouldnt it be totally integrated into one product?Soujanya: Its a really good question. I think, if you would have asked us this question to me 2-3 years ago, I wouldve said absolutely, it should be one product. What we are finding over and over again, and this is also, youll find it with other applications, is the thing that consumers really accept in the market and adopt is this singular intent, which is, if Im thinking messaging, Im going to go to this app, if Im thinking media, Im going to go to this app. So, its really one experience, but depending on what you are trying to do, so we have concept of t minus 3, which is 3 seconds before you use the app, what were you thinking and that thought process. From that point to actually invoking the application, has to be so efficient, youre from Germany, so efficiency, you know what I mean, it has to be so frictionless, that the consumer can get to it fast. If you make it into one app, all of these things and features and capabilities, sometimes youll say wait a second, what do I do. If you make the consumer think, you lose the consumer. So, idea was to keep it, be able to talk to each other very seamlessly, so I can aggregate them in one area, if I want to take that and then use it for my conversati ons, we havent yet launched it, but that will come down the road, I should be able to do that, but if I just want to use it for my messaging, I just want to send Hamon something, or Sebastian, or Austin something, I should be able to do that on the fly.Martin: Understood. Let us take a step back and talk a little bit about mobile marketing. What advice can you give entrepreneurs of frameworks, so they can decide for themselves how to do mobile marketing for their mobile application?Soujanya: Its a super important question. I think the, in the app economy, if you really think about it, I think the, I do find a lot of startups and, weve done that too, I wouldnt say that not, is lets build the app. Building the application is actually the easy part. I mean, relatively speaking. Its marketing the application is where the challenges lay. There are not that many sort of secret sources out there, theres very clear understanding of: what are you building; what audience are you trying to bui ld towards; is your differentiation unique enough, not just is it unique, but is it significantly more unique than a substitute thats out there; are you having clear understanding of your substitute; how is it that youre going to create a positive network effect from the application.Ill give you one great example of what we did at BeamIt. Most messaging applications require a two parties who are going back and forth to have the application. We took away that constraint. We said, if I want to communicate with you, I should be able to do that, and you do not need the application installed. And that actually creates a very low friction and barrier for me to message to you. If you do join, then the network becomes stronger, so the positive network effect comes in. So, what Im trying to get to really tangibly answer your question here is, from the consumers perspective, the application, the business that is looking at that say is there a positive network effect thats going to happen, so that product is going to grow on its own. Because anything else that youre going to, that you can do, if the product is featured, or you have press around the product, or theres some temporary marketing that you did an event, or some sponsorship, its going to give you a blip, and hopefully its a new baseline, but the growth comes from the product propagating itself, which comes from the usage of the product.CORPORATE STRATEGYMartin: Lets talk about the corporate strategy of Cooliris. What is the product strategy that you are going forward? Because currently you have these two type of products, and you have this freemium model, and can you elaborate on this kind of matrix and how it will evolve over time?Soujanya: The high level strategy for us is to have a good, solid, engaged user base. People will talk about what are your active users and all, and we actually look at what are your engaged users. Are they really using the product or not? So, by having both of these applications, to day we are iOS only, which is a, Ill be first to admit it, its actually partly limitation because when Im messaging somebody, they better be, I dont even know, what my cousins that Im going to send to, or my colleagues that Im going to send to, whether they are iOS or not.So we have the upcoming version of that, which is not launched yet, but its in the friends and family beta, and my other colleagues, Howard and I dont know, have done a really great job of looking at it from the consumers perspective. So, if you dont have the application, you receive an email, from the email you click on the link, youre on the landing page. How to make that on boarding very, very seamless is where the application served its value.The second big value it serves is you have a lot of your high resolution media, whether youre uploading those photos or youre trying to download those photos, typically happens from the desktop or your laptop, or from the web, so youve solved for that. And of course you ha ve the Android version which is significant portion of the market, which Austin, my co-founder, is leading the initiative on that.So, the strategy is to have an ecosystem of Android, iOS and web, build it together, drive the synergy, increase the scale, simultaneously launch the premium features and grow the business. Partnerships becomes very important complement of the organic growth. This is something that Hamon here, who does that, he traveled around the world, China, Korea. Weve done amazing partnerships throughout the world, where you work with companies, but are their OEM companies, or Telcos, or mobile internet companies, and see how they can benefit and we can benefit in terms of promoting our application. So, I dont know if that helped explain.Martin: Totally. And can you a little bit elaborate on this type of partnerships, how you approach those companies and what is really the benefit for you and for the counterpart?Soujanya: The quality of the app and the service has to be amazing enough for any partner to take you seriously. And I think we were luckily able to accomplish that. The way it typically works is each of the partner, depending on the segment they come from, OEMs look at it little bit differently, device companies, carriers look at it a little bit differently and then mobile internet companies. So I wouldnt say theres a one magic formula that fits everybody, of course its also not the case where for every company we have a different deal. At high level I would say we benefit because they will take our application and promote it to their users, they benefit because we will typically add something that makes it really cool and unique for them, so maybe its a feature or its a way to save couple of these features if youre prepaying for them and now they could free for your user base for X amount of time. And, in the case of some other partners, in the case of Cooliris, for instance, we were able to be the first company to issue APIs to any c ompany around the world, not just US or Chinese company, or big or small company. And they did it because we were able to showcase the best experience for their cloud storage inside our application, so they benefited from that. Sometimes these companies will say, Can you promote our service, the cloud to the service and market aside from their core markets? And of course, were willing to do that, in the exchange for them promoting our app to their user base. So, its always a mutually beneficial relationship. I think finding that common ground sometimes takes X amount of time, but thats exactly what the team does and makes it happen.Martin: Ok, great.MARKET DEVELOPMENTMartin: From my understanding, Cooliris is somehow in this photo and sharing market. Can you tell us a little bit more about this market and the trends that are currently happening in there?Soujanya: Its a good question, because I think photos and sharing, there was a period in time, I think its slowed down now, but lik e every week there are 10 startups in the photo sharing or photo something. It has gotten a little bit better because people and companies have realized as to there are the newer trends that are coming here. The idea is, photos is not just what we thought of as photos. Today, its become much more of a medium of communication, even if youre going to something like Snapchat. Its a good way to communicate, its affirmable so of course it goes away, because it solves for this particular use cases.On the other side are the segments, so talking about market segments, we have designed BeamIt as a product thinking about families and close friends. Its really been designed ground up for their needs. And thats not what Snapchat does, Snapchat is made for your friends to follow fun stuff, the dessert, funny faces, and all that kind of cool stuff. But when youre looking at trying to preserve that in high resolution, the babies, youre starting with your babys first step, maybe just a goofy face t hat the baby is making in a restaurant, but you want to preserve that for the longest time, youre looking in full resolution, you will share it with people that you care about. So, photos and sharing have now become almost synonymous. Yet, when youre looking at it, thats why we have these two lenses, photos is the Cooliris lens and sharing is the BeamIt lens. Its really under the same phenomenon, as far as companies going at it and approaching at it that thereve been various theses, like you can look at it as company says I think this is whats needed. Some companies are saying like I dont even think a photo is needed, even the keyboard is not needed. Im just going to say, I have another friend actually, he has a company, they did an app called Hearts app. And you press it and then the other person receives the heartbeat. Really cool. Nothing more, its similar to messaging, but there is no keyboard that even comes up. So, many, many companies, I think attacking this thing from a diff erent angles, you also have the big companies, some really, really great companies, actually approaching this from more different style than I do, you have startups, so its a very fun ecosystem, is what I would say.Martin: Ok, great.ADVICE TO ENTREPRENEURSMartin: Soujanya, you have started several startups. Can you elaborate a little bit on your learnings over the years?Soujanya: I wouldnt say several startups, but yes, I think Ive had the pleasure of being in the Valley here for some time and a couple of startups now. The learnings have been very interesting, I think the, back in the day when I used to see, and sometimes I even see it today, people talk about the word risk. Is it risky to do a venture? Absolutely, no question. But, theres actually a bigger risk if you did not try. I think that has been my biggest learning, which is if you truly believe in it, you better have that conviction, you better have the stamina, and the endurance, and these are all attributes that I think g o about do you really believe in it or not. So, say yes I believe in it, and at that particular point in time, the level of risk is much, much lower for you to try then you do not try.Martin: Ok. Can you distinguish between the risk as an entrepreneur and the risk as an employee or not doing a startup?Soujanya: So, I think its the same. I mean, firstly we dont think of employees as employees and co-founders, its one team. Ultimately, you are going to do this, youre going to succeed together, or youre going to fail together. Thats the only way in terms of the mind. So, quantity of risk doesnt really matter. Its like are you going to succeed as a team, or youre going to fail as a team. We dont make a distinction, hopefully, Hamon can confirm on that and others can too. So I dont feel that we have this issue of you have more risk and I have less risk. I think if people felt that way, theyre probably in the wrong company.Martin: And are there any other learnings, maybe in terms of custo mer development? I think its quite hard to convince, for example the bigger players and partners. Or, maybe launching a mobile app and growing the user base does work?Soujanya: I think that learning comes down to something that maybe I repeat what Ive said for a different question, which is: its dont get too hung up on I build the app and now I succeeded. In fact, your hard part starts at that particular point in time. Getting it distributed, getting it to be used, getting it partnering with other companies, thats where a lot of the challenges lie. So youre going to need more stamina, more runway to get you to accomplish to do that, and of course, success, dont gain success too early, because so many changes are happening in the ecosystem that you got to constantly stay ahead.And the second piece of advice that I think, personally that Ive learned, and I dont know if its applicable or not, its a very, very interesting and delicate balance between how much are you investing for today and how much are you investing for tomorrow. That balance is a very dynamic thing, its not like its 50:50, its 30:70, you cannot assign that. If you overly put all your investment, everything is about the future, everything strategic, I think you can get screwed. If you say everything is about today, very, very tactical, I think you may wake up one day and say wait a second, where did I land? So, maintain that balance of what is strategic and what is tactical its a constantly challenging exercise, there is no magic formula and you just have to do it on your own.Martin: Ok. Great, thank you very much, Soujanya. And Im pretty sure we should take a photo right now and then share it via BeamIt.Soujanya: Cool, but more importantly, use BeamIt to share it.Martin: Right, awesome, thank you very much.Soujanya: Thanks.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
How to Write a College Essay - Learning How to Write a College Essay
<h1>How to Write a College Essay - Learning How to Write a College Essay</h1><p>If you are in a similar difficulty of having no clue how to compose a school article, here are a few things that you have to consider. While the course at school can be overpowering now and again, recollect that composing a paper is tied in with communicating your considerations and suppositions. Since you will compose it to other people, you should have the option to communicate correctly.</p><p></p><p>In request to do this, attempt to record your own words and keep in touch with them as per your feelings. At that point check whether you can make it simpler by including the words in an alternate request. Keep in mind, you are not composing a school article to intrigue anybody however the peruser, so be as immediate as possible.</p><p></p><p>Besides this, on the off chance that you don't know about the course you have to take when composing a school exposition, get guidance from individuals who have done it previously. Try not to stress in the event that they don't have the foggiest idea where to begin from. They can in any event give you a beginning stage for writing.</p><p></p><p>While attempting to choose what to compose, observe the word you use every now and again in the school article. Regularly, you can discover the foundation of the word and stick with it. What follows is the sentence and some of the time the passage where you utilized it.</p><p></p><p>However, in the event that you think that its elusive the root word that you use regularly, you can counsel proficient essayists. There are numerous sites that give incredible tips on the most proficient method to compose a school essay.</p><p></p><p>Take note of what the various individuals who compose a paper consistently state, since you should utilize them as your motivation to compose y ours. Make certain to not wrongly ignore the sentence structure. Keep in mind, it isn't just about composing admirably, however it additionally implies you are very much aware of what you have to say.</p><p></p><p>Keep as a top priority that not every person can compose an article well. Attempt to improve your aptitudes and gain from the individuals who can compose well. It may require some investment, however the prizes would be great.</p>
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Do You Fear Attending a Presentation School?
<h1>Do You Fear Attending a Presentation School?</h1><p>If you are contemplating going to an introduction to class yet have a few questions about whether it's an ideal choice for you, simply think about the accompanying pointers. The vast majority aren't fit to go to these sorts of classes. It's critical to remember this when choosing if this is the correct way for you. All things considered, numerous individuals who go to one of these sorts of schools do so in light of the fact that they are as of now content with their lives and wouldn't have any desire to return and change.</p><p></p><p>First of every single, numerous individuals don't generally imagine that they could profit by such preparing. Actually these individuals are commonly past that certain point. Indeed, they might be exceptionally fruitful in their professions, however even the best individuals can wind up ailing in certain regions. Regularly, somebody who goes to one of these schools will be underqualified for the activity that they would do on the off chance that they didn't go to the training.</p><p></p><p>Second, numerous individuals are anxious about the possibility that that going to an introduction school will wreck their relationships. Obviously, there is a slight possibility this may occur, however in by far most of cases it doesn't. Indeed, when couples go to one of these sorts of classes they will regularly find that they have a substantially more close connection than before.</p><p></p><p>Another motivation behind why individuals are hesitant to go to one of these schools is that they don't have the foggiest idea where to begin. While a portion of these schools are carefully instructive, others are very active. This is really an incredible open door for any individual who is keen on accomplishing something else. They may feel also overpowered with the conventional world that they don't understan d that there are a lot of different approaches to figure out how to make presentations.</p><p></p><p>One motivation behind why individuals dread going to an introduction to class is on the grounds that they have seen what happens when individuals do these sorts of classes. They find that they come out essentially less educated than they were previously. What they neglect to acknowledge is this is an incredible method to get preparing. For example, an occasion organizer might need to become familiar with video creation or PowerPoint.</p><p></p><p>In expansion, individuals here and there get terrified on the grounds that they are so scared by their own confinements. While that is positively justifiable, it's imperative to recall that nobody will plunk down and study your whole introduction. Rather, the instructional courses will give you pragmatic tips that you can use to assist yourself with developing and make extraordinary introductio ns in the future.</p><p></p><p>Last, it's imperative to remember that you're anticipating setting off to an introduction school. You're not going to be put on a treadmill. You will invest a lot of energy in your feet, so in case you're reconsidering about going to one of these schools, you'll be excited to discover that there are a lot of ways that you can figure out how to introduce an introduction in genuine life.</p><p></p><p>Take the entirety of the above into thought when you're wanting to go to an introduction to class. Usually, you'll see that there are a lot of awesome approaches to get an incredible training while you figure out how to turn out to be increasingly talented at something that you love to do. Actually, you'll gain proficiency with the entirety of the aptitudes that you have to succeed and take care of business that you've generally wanted.</p>
Thursday, July 2, 2020
A Startling Fact about Writing an Essay for Middle School Students Uncovered
<h1> A Startling Fact about Writing an Essay for Middle School Students Uncovered </h1> <h2> Choosing Good Writing an Essay for Middle School Students </h2> <p>In the method for picking a subject, it's likewise savvy to test your contention. Simply, it's an introduction to your decision. Constraining the scope of an authentic contention makes it feasible for understudies to contemplate the motivation behind why they bolster a particular response to the significant inquiry. Simply make a point not to rehash your earlier words precisely. </p> <p>Following that, you ought to choose what number of body passages you will have dependent on the kind of your examination. Start a rundown of inquiries which you'd love to have replied. In the event that you have the opportunity to pick, start by picking a subject that suits inside the arrangement you've been given. Also, a client may solicit the essayist to submit part from the activity for audit and, if necessary, request that her or him make adjustments. </p> <p>Write about the most recent book you read. Test exposition addresses will be dependent upon the theme, normally. Your theory ought to educate the peruser what point you will make or what question you will be replying about this issue. </p> <p>Explain three different ways by which you can assist take with minding of the environmental factors. A few people don't have a clue about the importance of this progression, however it truly is the most basic advance, so you won't crash from the chief focuses. It might take after a superb decision to ensure high caliber of our work, however it isn't constantly suitable. As a couple of ladies and men feel it isn't excessively clear. </p> <p>Writing prompts are among the best strategies to make certain authors who adopt joy in the strategy. Likewise, remember that you'll need to introduce some real proof for your feeling (all things considered, any scholarly paper should be upheld by scholastically perceived source s), so don't go for subjects which are simply stubborn and don't have any chance of defense. Understudies may compose instructive expositions many ways. </p> <p>Provided that you know the principal steps of exposition composing, you should be well-prepared to deal with any paper theme. At our article support, expositions are constantly conveyed in a short second. The articles must element more than five sources and a total book index. All things considered, a lot of pugnacious articles are in all actuality influential papers. </p> <p>There are a couple of extraordinary points to consider when picking a theme for your pugnacious paper. The absolute first thing you should do is pick a subject for your paper. When you appreciate the kind of exposition, it's a great opportunity to pick a theme. At last, in the event that you will compose and exposition however have next to no information or enthusiasm for the theme, remember that there are heaps of custom article scholars which will readily carry out the responsibility for you. </p> <h2> Things You Should Know About Writing an Essay for Middle School Students</h2> <p>Consider what you could do so as to make your school progressively wonderful. Working with school your child's educator and pediatrician can enable you to have. Secondary school understudies ought to form papers on a determination. Guardians should be touchy to and steady of the time fundamental for the task. </p> <p>When you figure out how to make an article out of the sort, it will be valuable to all of you through your school years. On the off chance that you're in human expressions field, at that point you may need to do this as a rule. Research-based subjects expect understudies to gather data till they compose. Understudies that are as of now have raised degrees of accomplishment in the zone of perusing should be urged to peruse expanded level books. </p> <p>However, remember that composing won't occur by injury. Probably the best ways to deal with see how to compose is to peruse the composed word! Rundown the most alluring things about your current old neighborhood. Clarify the advantages of seeing how to peruse. </p> <p>you have a chance to return and totally re-do an occasion in your life. You've welcomed your two closest companions to dedicate the evening at your home. A little youngster loses their preferred toy while on a visit to a recreation center f ar from their home. Mull over friendliness in your relatives. </p>
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